Last update: 2025-02-05, 21:33 shows: 4059 setlists: 2807 songs: 2326 artists: 1341 cities: 694 venues: 1502

These are the known studio appearances

last public update: Wednesday, 05-Feb-2025 21:33:25 CET

Van Morrison statement reg. the split of Them via KRLA's Beat

Van Morrison court statement reg. alleged affair with Linda Gail Lewis (BBC)

Van Morrison statement reg. becoming the father of George Ivan Morrison III

Van Morrison statement to the Sunday Times reg. becoming the father of George Ivan Morrison III

Van Morrison affidavit for a High Court injunction banning the publication of a newspaper article about his private life

Van Morrison twitter statement on 04FEB2016 reg. receiving knighthood

Van Morrison twitter statement on 13SEP2016 reg. passing of Lewis Merenstein

Van Morrison twitter statement on 18OCT2016 reg. Nobel Prize for Literature for Bob Dylan

Van Morrison twitter statement on 02NOV2016 reg. passing of BAP Kennedy

Van Morrison twitter statement on 11NOV2016 reg. passing of Leonrad Cohen

Van Morrison twitter statement on 16NOV2016 reg. passing of Mose Allison

Van Morrison twitter statement on 28JAN2017 reg. passing of John Hurt

Van Morrison twitter statement on 09FEB2017 reg. passing of Ritchie Yorke

Van Morrison on 21AUG2020 statement reg. lockdown

Van Morrison on 18SEP2020 statement reg. lockdown songs

bbc on 23SEP2020 statement reg. Hardship Fund

Van Morrison on 22OCT2020

Van Morrison on 27OCT2020

Van Morrison on 09NOV2020 reg. Hardship Fund

Van Morrison on 12NOV2020 reg. Hardship Fund

Van Morrison on 13NOV2020 reg. Hardship Fund


Van Morrison on 20NOV2021 reg. They Own The Media

Van Morrison on 21JUN2021 statement reg. Hardship Fund

Van Morrison on 30JUN2021 statement on twitter rel. lockdown

Van Morrison on 23JUL2021 statement to Belfast Telegraph re. lockdown

Van Morrison on 26JUL2021 statement reg. lockdown

Van Morrison on 28JUL2021

Van Morrison on 03AUG2021 statement to Irish Times re. lockdown

Van Morrison on 07AUG2021 statement on Twitter re. anti-vax

Van Morrison twitter statement on 13OCT2021 reg. passing of Pee Wee Ellis

Van Morrison twitter statement on 13OCT2021 reg. passing of Paddy Moloney

Van Morrison twitter statement on 24JAN2022 reg. anti-vax

Van Morrison twitter statement on 02FEB2022 reg. lockdown

Van Morrison twitter statement on 25MAR2022 reg. OSCARS

Van Morrison twitter statement on 28MAR2022 reg. OSCARS

Van Morrison instagram statement on 31OCT2022 reg. the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis

Van Morrison twitter statement on 18NOV2022 reg. anti-vax

Van Morrison twitter statement on 12JAN2023 reg. passing of Jeff Beck

Van Morrison twitter statement on 20JAN2023 reg. passing of John Rogers

Van Morrison twitter statement on 27FEB2023 questions for Billy Bragg

Van Morrison facebook statement on 17SEP2023 reg. new release 'Accentuate The Positive'

Van Morrison statement reg. The Van Morrison Alumni Band

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