Last update: 2025-03-07, 17:40 Your IP: on 2025-03-09, 15:53 a[175].s[1478].r[2705].m[697]


Magic Time

Album Info

Released: 2005-05-17
Producer: Van Morrison
Art Direction, Design, Photography By [Other Photographs]: Richard Evans
Liner Notes: Solly Lipsitz
Mastered By: Tim Young
Photography By [Front Cover]: Getty Images, Javier Pierini

affiliate release(s)


Involved Musicians


VM-0025Magic Time-regular official 2005-05-1
VM-0026Magic Time-regular official 2005-05-16-1
VM-0029Magic Time-regular official 2005-05-1
VM-0575Magic Time-regular official 2005-05324.331
VM-0923Magic Time-regular official 2005-05-16-1
VM-0030Magic Time-regular promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0972Magic Time-regular promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0027Magic Time Expanded-Collector's Edition official 2005-05-16-1
VM-0028Magic Time Expanded-regular official 2005-05-1
VM-0876Magic Time Expanded-regular official 2005-05-16-1
VM-0031Magic Time Expanded-regular promotional 2005-05-1
VM-2340Magic Time Expanded-regular promotional 2005-05-1
VM-1334Magic Time Preview-Album Sampler promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0032Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0033Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0034Magic Time Singles-Spring Fresh promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0035Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0036Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-04-18-1
VM-0037Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0038Magic Time Singles-I'm Confessin' promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0039Magic Time Singles-Stranded promotional 2005-04-1
VM-0040Magic Time Singles-Evening Train promotional 2005-04-1
VM-0702Magic Time Singles-Evening Train promotional 2005-04-1
VM-0037aMagic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0037bMagic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0037cMagic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-1230Magic Time Singles-Stranded promotional 2005-01-02-1
VM-1294Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-1408Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0036aMagic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-04-18-1
VM-1530Magic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1
VM-0037dMagic Time Singles-Celtic New Year promotional 2005-05-1

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

1 official
3 official
1 official
2 promotional

Affiliate Releases

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

3 official
2 promotional

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

1 promotional

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

19 promotional

Terms of Use Disclaimer Contact
Site © 2002-2025 Günter Becker. All rights reserved.
The images of Van Morrison's solo releases are reproduced from my collection with the (still pending) kind permission of Exile Productions; these images are not to be reproduced without the permission of Exile Productions and / or the relevant copyright owner and Günter Becker.This term of use also applies to any wiki.
This website is an informational resource for private use only and is not affiliated with Van Morrison, his management company, his record label or any related bodies. The information presented within this page is provided by Günter Becker , and Günter Becker takes no responsibility for any problems resulting from use of the material as presented within.
By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use.