You Move Me has now been played 5 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18APR1975
New to the previous show.
Grits Ain't Groceries has now been played 2 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 011974
Played for the first time this decade.
Don't Change On Me has now been played 2 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 011974
Played for the first time this decade.
We're Gonna Make It played for the first time ever!
It Hurts To Want It So Bad played for the first time ever!
The Street Only Knew Your Name has now been played 3 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 011974
New to the previous show.
Down To Earth has now been played 2 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 011974
Played for the first time this decade.
I Have Finally Come To Realise has now been played 3 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on XXJUN1975
New to the previous show.
Joyous Sound has now been played 6 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18OCT1974
New to the previous show.Overall closing shows 10 times.