~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on 25NOV2008 from www.inverness-courier.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VAN Morrison will appear at The Ironworks for only one night next month because the venue is unable to reschedule a prior booking. One of the gigs in aid of Cancer Research UK will go ahead on Saturday 6th December but the previous night’s has been cancelled. Fans will be offered a move to the Saturday night whilst there is still availability or a full refund. “We had moved an appearance at The Ironworks for an earlier booked act, the Quireboys, to another venue on 4th December to accommodate the setting up of Van's production,” said a spokesman for The Ironworks. “But unfortunately we have found that there are licensing restrictions on doing this. As a result, we have had to revert to our original plan and consequently can only offer Van one night during the period he is available. “We apologise to fans who have bought tickets for Friday 5th December. Luckily, there are tickets still available for the Saturday night and they will be offered a swap on a first-come-first-served basis or a full refund.” A spokesman for the Black Isle branch of Cancer Research UK said: “Van’s second night was always a bonus in our eyes; we are delighted that he and the Ironworks have been able to give us the benefit of one night.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on 27NOV2008 from www.ironworksvenue.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due to a conflict in timetabling The Ironworks regrets to announce that Friday's performance will be cancelled, all tickets for Friday will still be valid for the Saturday evening.