Inarticulate Speech Of The Heart No.1 has now been played 179 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14JUN1982
All Work And No Play has now been played 219 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 012000
Whinin Boy Moan has now been played 105 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01MAR2002
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Fame has now been played 40 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 02OCT2003
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Early In The Morning 'Bout The Break Of Day has now been played 78 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14SEP2001
New to the previous show.
Dead Or Alive has now been played 48 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 05SEP1971
New to the previous show.
Don't Worry About A Thing has now been played 113 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 03MAY1995
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Sometimes We Cry has now been played 184 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 13AUG1996
New to the previous show.
Walkin' My Baby Back Home has now been played 62 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01JUN2002
New to the previous show.
Baby Please Don't Go has now been played 80 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01OCT1964
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Custard Pie has now been played 2 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 20NOV2003
Played for the first time this year.
Goin' Down Geneva > Brand New Cadillac has now been played 91 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 27JUL1999
New to the previous show.
Whatever Happened To PJ Proby has now been played 37 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 21SEP2001
New to the previous show.
Jackie Wilson Said has now been played 375 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 27APR1972
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Jump Jive And Wail has now been played 52 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 21JAN1999
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Bright Side Of The Road has now been played 362 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 15MAY1979
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Back On Top has now been played 285 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 23FEB1998
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Here Comes The Night has now been played 115 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01OCT1964
New to the previous show.
Stop Drinking has now been played 95 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01DEC2001
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Precious Time has now been played 342 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 16MAR1998
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Brown Eyed Girl has now been played 367 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 28MAR1967
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Gloria has now been played 526 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 00APR1964
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Help Me has now been played 439 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 15FEB1973
New to the previous show.Overall closing shows 58 times.