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Beautiful Vision

Album Info

Released: 1982-02-16
Producer: Van Morrison
Engineers: Jim Stern and Hugh Murphy
Assistant Engineer: Ann Fry
Business Arrangements: Paul Charles
Cover Concept, Photograph and Design: Rudi Legname

affiliate release(s)


Involved Musicians


VM-0192Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-0478Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-0528Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-0588Beautiful Vision-20bit-Remaster official 1998-1
VM-0662Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-0785Beautiful Vision-regular official 2007-10-09-1
VM-1189Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-1503Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-1587Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-1888Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-1938Beautiful Vision-regular official 1991-12-16-1
VM-2362Beautiful Vision-regular official 1982-02-1
VM-0569Beautiful Vision-regular promotional 1982-02-1
VM-0839Beautiful Vision-regular promotional 1982-02-1
VM-1110Beautiful Vision-regular promotional 1982-02-1
VM-2014Beautiful Vision-regular promotional 1982-02-1
VM-2052Beautiful Vision-regular promotional 1982-02-1
VM-0285Beautiful Vision Singles-Scandinavia official 1982-06-15-1
VM-0295Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows official 1982-06-1
VM-0299Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows official 1982-03-1
VM-0338Beautiful Vision Singles-Dweller On The Threshold official 1982-06-1
VM-0364Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows official 1982-06-1
VM-0613Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows official 1982-08-08-1
VM-0707Beautiful Vision Singles-Dweller On The Threshold official 1982-06-15-1
VM-0755Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows official 1982-08-08-1
VM-0324Beautiful Vision Singles-Dweller On The Threshold promotional 1982-06-1
VM-0455Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows promotional 1982-1
VM-0456Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows promotional 1982-03-1
VM-1359Beautiful Vision Singles-Cleaning Windows promotional 1982-02-1
VM-2265Beautiful Vision Singles-Scandinavia Test-Pressing promotional 1982-04-1
VM-1200Beautiful Vision Remaster-The Van Morrison Remasters official 2009-01-09-1
VM-1263Beautiful Vision Remaster-Paper Sleeve Collection official 2008-11-19-1
VM-2108Beautiful Vision Remaster-regular promotional 2007-07-13-1

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

3 official
6 official
2 official
1 official
5 promotional

Affiliate Releases

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

8 official
4 promotional
1 promotional

Releases by media type

Versions present in my collection:

1 official
1 official
1 promotional

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Site © 2002-2025 Günter Becker. All rights reserved.
The images of Van Morrison's solo releases are reproduced from my collection with the (still pending) kind permission of Exile Productions; these images are not to be reproduced without the permission of Exile Productions and / or the relevant copyright owner and Günter Becker.This term of use also applies to any wiki.
This website is an informational resource for private use only and is not affiliated with Van Morrison, his management company, his record label or any related bodies. The information presented within this page is provided by Günter Becker , and Günter Becker takes no responsibility for any problems resulting from use of the material as presented within.
By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use.