Back On Top has now been played 227 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 23FEB1998
New to the previous show.
All Work And No Play has now been played 132 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 012000
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Days Like This has now been played 266 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 26MAY1994
New to the previous show.
Jackie Wilson Said has now been played 322 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 27APR1972
New to the previous show.
Carrying A Torch has now been played 9 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14FEB1991
Here Comes The Night has now been played 102 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01OCT1964
New to the previous show.
Don't Start Crying Now > Custard Pie has now been played 2 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 15AUG2003
New to the previous show.
Why Must I Always Explain has now been played 162 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 30MAR1991
New to the previous show.
Fast Train has now been played 36 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 26FEB2000
New to the previous show.
Cleaning Windows > Boppin' The Blues > Blue Suede Shoes played for the first time ever!
Baby What You Want Me To Do has now been played 24 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18SEP1979
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Vanlose Stairway > Trans-Euro Train has now been played 251 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 06MAR1989
New to the previous show.
Real Real Gone has now been played 69 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 04MAR1981
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Wild Night has now been played 87 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 00MAY1970
Played for the first time this year.
Bright Side Of The Road has now been played 331 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 15MAY1979
New to the previous show.
Moondance has now been played 574 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 08NOV1969
New to the previous show.
Stop Drinking has now been played 29 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01DEC2001
New to the previous show.
Early In The Morning 'Bout The Break Of Day has now been played 57 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14SEP2001
New to the previous show.
Brown Eyed Girl has now been played 303 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 28MAR1967
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Irish Heartbeat has now been played 62 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 29OCT1986
Played for the first time this year.
Gloria has now been played 441 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 17APR1964
Overall closing shows 857 times.