Chicken Shack played for the first time ever!
Did Ye Get Healed has now been played 280 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 05JUL1987
Stranded > Don't Look Back has now been played 12 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 18NOV2005
New to the previous show.
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It has now been played 17 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18MAR1999
There Stands The Glass has now been played 25 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 07JUL2000
Big Blue Diamonds has now been played 16 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 10DEC2005
Real Real Gone has now been played 88 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 04MAR1981
New to the previous show.
Magic Time has now been played 69 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01APR2005
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Moondance has now been played 690 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 08NOV1969
Played at a different position from the previous show.
In The Midnight has now been played 168 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 02MAR1999
Stop Drinking has now been played 173 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01DEC2001
Played at a different position from the previous show.
This Has Got To Stop has now been played 12 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14JAN2006
New to the previous show.
Playhouse has now been played 15 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 11DEC2005
Played at a different position from the previous show.
All Work And No Play has now been played 259 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 012000
Played at a different position from the previous show.
It's All In The Game > You Know What They're Writing About has now been played 132 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 23AUG1979
Played for the first time this year.
Precious Time has now been played 435 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 16MAR1998
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Brown Eyed Girl has now been played 451 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 28MAR1967
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Celtic New Year > The Healing Game has now been played 14 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 13AUG2005
Overall closing shows 13 times.