Did Ye Get Healed has now been played 275 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 05JUL1987
New to the previous show.
Magic Time has now been played 64 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01APR2005
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Have I Told You Lately has now been played 489 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18MAY1989
New to the previous show.
Fame has now been played 66 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 02OCT2003
New to the previous show.
Tore Down A La Rimbaud has now been played 293 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14OCT1984
New to the previous show.
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It has now been played 12 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 18MAR1999
Played at a different position from the previous show.
There Stands The Glass has now been played 20 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 07JUL2000
Big Blue Diamonds has now been played 12 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 10DEC2005
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Things Have Gone To Pieces has now been played 4 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 10FEB2006
New to the previous show.
Moondance has now been played 685 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 08NOV1969
Played at a different position from the previous show.
In The Midnight has now been played 163 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 02MAR1999
New to the previous show.
Pay The Devil has now been played 5 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 17FEB2006
Played at a different position from the previous show.
This Has Got To Stop has now been played 9 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 14JAN2006
Played at a different position from the previous show.
More And More has now been played 22 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 11MAR1973
New to the previous show.
Playhouse has now been played 10 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 11DEC2005
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Your Cheatin' Heart has now been played 7 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 11DEC2005
New to the previous show.
Don't You Make Me High played for the first time ever!
Stop Drinking has now been played 169 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 01DEC2001
New to the previous show.
All Work And No Play has now been played 256 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 012000
New to the previous show.
Brown Eyed Girl has now been played 446 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 28MAR1967
Played at a different position from the previous show.
Celtic New Year > The Healing Game has now been played 10 times as a medley in this combination of songs since its first appearance on 13AUG2005
New to the previous show.
Help Me has now been played 485 times as a stand-alone song since its first appearance on 15FEB1973
New to the previous show.Overall closing shows 57 times.